“When I was twelve, I had my first remembrance. As you can imagine, it was quite intense and at the time I thought it was a nightmare. I woke screaming in my bed, sweating and shaking, and unable to remember where I was. Nothing around me looked familiar and when my father rushed into the room I jumped out of bed and attempted to escape, not recognizing him and expecting him to attack me. He grabbed my shoulders and held me firmly talking quickly in a language I did not recognize. Then within seconds, my body shook violently and I fell to the floor, my father’s grip loosening under the intensity of the seizure. I lay on the floor for several seconds fully conscious of what was happening to my body, but unable to speak. After the seizure ended, I remembered where I was and more importantly, I recognized my father.”
Galagia’s voice was low and steady as she told her remembrance, not wavering in the least with emotion. The veil she described as having fallen over her conscious as a result of her dream seemed to have descended again and removed her from the present while she recited the event. As I listened, I noticed she had shifted her left arm so her sleeve was inadvertently shifted up to reveal a tattoo around her wrist. The tattoo was of a serpent eating its tail, the traditional tattoo from the colony of Nebili on the third planet from the moon of eleven. The symbol of the serpent eating its tail was an ancient design and the motif used by the artist to create Galagia’s tattoo was obviously familiar with the ancient images. As I looked closer I realized that each of the serpent’s scales were unique and had at their center another symbol, this one a character from an alphabet I did not recognize.
“Guardian,” said Galagia and I looked up at her face with embarrassment.
“My apologies, Galagia,” I said, smiling. “I was distracted by your serpent,” I continued, gesturing to her arm. “The work is quite beautiful and accurate to the ancient symbols, but I do not recognize the characters in the scales.”
“Most people do not see the runea, my liege,” Galagia said, lifting up her arm and pushing up the sleeve of her tunic even more. In so doing she revealed an additional tattoo, this one made up of just the characters themselves, laid out in long vertical lines like text. Looking down at her arm she recited, “Light is essence. Breath is beauty. Go in balance.”
“The ancient message,” I say with understanding, “you were Guardian before,” I state looking up at her face.
“Elum?”I know it's a brief taste and doesn't really show you what's happening, but I wanted to share that Elum is very close to his family even though they don't know he is a guardian or the danger he is in. (Please don't worry too much about the grammar, sentence structure, etc....just a reminder to anyone reading this blog and to myself "this is about quantity people, not quality. Editing comes in December."
I look up to see her a hundred marks away, waiting patiently for me to catch up with her.
“Coming,” I call and trot down the path. “Thank you, Mother. Your words are always a comfort to me and I bless you for giving me life.”
“You give me too much power, my son,” she says smiling. “You’re father was also involved!” and with that she turns laughing and continues through the forest.
We love our crockpot
Our silver crockpot
It makes beef and chicken really good
No matter how hard
You try and screw up
Things come out just as they should
"Yes you did!""Describe everything in excruciating detail." (think Henry James)
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did!"
"No I didn't."
you did!"
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did!"
"No I didn't."
So, that's it for now! This is going to be so fun! I'm really psyched about it!
Oh yeah, and about the Knowledge: No one Seeker has ever assembled all the Knowledge except in legend.
"1) It's okay to not know what you're doing. Really. You've read a lot of novels, so you're completely up to the challenge of writing one. No plot? No problem! If you feel more comfortable outlining your story ahead of time, absolutely do so. But it's also fine to just wing it. Write everyday, and a book-worthy story will appear, even if you're not sure what that story might be right now.
2) Do not edit as you go. Editing is for December. Think of November as an experiment in pure output. Even if its hard at first, leave ugly prose and poorly written passages on the page to be cleaned up later. Your inner editor will be very grumpy about this, but your inner editor is a nitpicky jerk who foolishly believes that it is possible to write a brilliant first draft if you write it slowly enough. It isn't. Every book you've ever loved started out as a beautifully flawed first draft. In November, embrace imperfection and see where it takes you.
3) Tell everyone you know that you're writing a novel in November. This will pay big dividends in Week Two, when the only thing keeping you from quitting is the fear of looking pathetic in front of all the people who've had to hear about your novel for the past month. Seriously. Email them now about your awesome new book. The looming specter of personal humiliation is a very reliable muse.
3.5) There will be times you'll want to quit during November. This is okay. Everyone who wins NaNoWriMo wanted to quit at some point in November. Stick it out. See it through. Week Two can be hard. Week Three is much better. Week Four will make you want to hug the world."
This is what I'll be doing the month of November. I'm going to need all the encouragement you can send me - See tip 3 - so please, keep it comin'!
Thanks for reading, jill