Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sorry, But I Won't Reach 50K

Hi all,
I thought I'd better get on this and finally write that I am not going to finish 50,000 words by midnight November 30th. The month of November just went to pieces for me and I haven't been able to keep up with writing every day.

I hope to actually get to 25K by Friday night, but won't be anywhere near 50K. Shall I list the reasons? It doesn't really matter, other than to say the between my headaches and my partner's unexpected appendectomy (these things are never expected, are they?) I just didn't get it done.

Yes, I'm feeling "not so great" about it, but what can I say. I did get a great start on my novel and I won't be putting it away and not continuing. I am sorry not to finish what I set out to do, but I think this is a lesson in not being hard on myself. This is a lesson I've been working on for some time and it comes back up again this month.

Anyway, thanks for staying tuned and for being so supportive. I"ll keep this blog up and move into regular mode as I keep going on my novel. Stay tuned if you care too and I'll be posting updates as I go.

Thanks again for all your support and encouragement. Cheers and Happy Writing, jill

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