Sunday, October 21, 2007

More Ideas for Adding Words

Yesterday when I was looking at the NaNoWriMo site for ideas on how to add words to make it to 50,000 one of the suggestions was to have the MC sing songs all the time. Along these lines of singing, I call Sarah my sunshine, which of course leads to numerous renditions of "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine....."

Tonight we had a fabulous second meal made in our new crockpot we got as a wedding gift. Now, please be fair and remember that right after the wedding we moved and have been settling in here in Flagstaff, so the fact that this is just our second meal is not really that big a thing.

But, I digress...

As we finished our great meal tonight it struck me, as if by a fairy's wand and Sarah helped me finish it out:

We love our crockpot
Our silver crockpot
It makes beef and chicken really good
No matter how hard
You try and screw up
Things come out just as they should

Now, if I can only get my MC to sing this at some point in the story --- I'll gain 30 words!

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