Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Me and Tons of Friends...

I found out yesterday that tons of friends are doing Nano this year too!  It's so great to know that I won't be suffering alone!  I shouldn't say that.  I shouldn't say suffering, because writing is really fun.  The story flows, you never know what the characters will do next.  It's really amazing when all of a sudden they are off and running in a completely different direction from the one you originally thought.

But to get back to all my friends - yesterday on Facebook, I posted Nanowrimo - 1667 words a day, 50,000 words in a month, and just how many more days before November and all these people came out of Facebook-land to say they are "in" too!  Awesome!  I'm so excited!

So here's to everyone doing Nano - you can do it!  And we'll all be in this together!  Thanks for being in there with me!

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