Thursday, October 8, 2009

Margaret Gehrke: An Amazing Writer and Wonderful Inspiration

If you had a chance to watch Ken Burn's wonderful documentary on the National Parks, you will have "heard" Margaret's voice. She has been my writing inspiration since 1994.

This photograph is from the collections of the Nebraska State Historical Society.


Deb Eisloeffel said...

Hi, Jill -- You Go Girl!

Paul had that photo printed and framed for me as a gift to launch me in NaNoWriMo 2006. It's so sweet!

Are you noveling or working on Maggie's journal this year?

I would jump in, but I'm so stretched mentally and emotionally with this job, it would probably kill me. But I'll happily follow your progress!

As they say in the the-a-tah, "Break a Leg!"

Jill Koelling said...

Thank you Deb. I am doing a re-write on Gehrke now so I plan to novel for Nano...woo hoo!